Industry Highlight: January 2025

Understanding Online, On-Demand, and Self-Paced Learning

By Annie Inks

What’s the Difference?

While often used interchangeably, these terms each have their own meaning. Online learning is the broadest term, with on-demand and self-paced learning underneath, catering to different learning styles and needs and making education more versatile and personalized.
  1. Online Learning refers to any learning done over the internet and could be synchronous (live sessions where students and teachers interact in real-time) or asynchronous (pre-recorded lectures or materials that students can access anytime).
  2. On-Demand Learning is a subset of online learning that emphasizes flexibility and accessibility. You can access educational content whenever you need it, fitting learning into your schedule. Think of it as having a library of resources available at your fingertips 24/7.
  3. Self-Paced Learning is also a form of online learning and has no fixed schedule, so you can move through quickly if you already have some background knowledge or spend more time on the details. Self-paced learning often suits individuals who need flexibility due to work or personal commitments.

The Computer Workshop offers learning that fits all three definitions to offer the broadest spectrum of options available. Check out our new course offerings and get started training in your best business casual attire or your favorite pajamas!

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