Articulate Storyline: Advanced (V3/360)


Articulate Storyline: Advanced (V3/360)

Course Name Hours List Price Content
Articulate Storyline: Advanced (V3/360) 14.00 $999.00
Description: Articulate Storyline advanced provides students with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to develop and build advanced interactions, extend the functionality of Storyline, and have a better understanding of Storyline project workflow. This class is for those who are familiar with the basic features of Storyline such as creating slides, layers, triggers, working with timelines, importing text, characters, videos, creating simple tests and other basic functions and would like to gain deeper knowledge of Storyline. This class builds upon fundamental skills in Storyline Essentials by providing students with hands-on practice extending Storyline capabilities, and customizing the learner experience. In this class we will explore many media features in depth including best practices for audio and video, animations, storyline variables, conditional triggers, cue points, and student reporting. Additionally, in this class we cover Scenario-based Learning and Instructional Path Models.

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