Dealing with Conflict and Difficult People


Dealing with Conflict and Difficult People

Course Name Hours List Price Content
Dealing with Conflict and Difficult People 7.00 $450.00
Description: Conflict at work is inevitable. How do you handle yourself during conflict with difficult people and situations? Do you utilize effective strategies and skills during conflict or do you just react? Conflict and difficult people exist at work as in all facets of life. Since you cant prevent conflict, the most important thing is to learn how to manage conflict in productive ways. There are several strategies for coping with conflict and difficult people --knowing when and how to use these techniques can make you a more effective business professional and reduce the stress in your life. In this class, you will learn the cycle of conflict and the role we play in that cycle. You will learn about different types of conflict and how to work effectively to manage those scenarios. You will utilize different communication modalities to increase your chances of turning a conflict or stressful situation into a dialogue of cooperation. You will understand the ten different types of people and what motivates them. Once you understand what motivates them, you can be more effective in facilitating tough situations and people so you can get work done without hassle and stress.

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